"wait n grab fast sis"

"wait n grab fast sis"

Monday, May 24, 2010

Jangan Redupkan Mimpi Mereka!!! BINTANG KECIL ^_^

12 JUTA anak putus sekolah di Indonesia saat ini, Jangan redupkan mimpi mereka, mari jadikan mereka si BINTANG KECIL!!
Setiap membeli produk Musou, berarti anda memberikan Rp. 1.000,- bagi para BINTANG KECIL!! Bersama MUSOU serta CARE FOR KIDS jadikan anak anda dan jutaan anak Indonesia menjadi BINTANG KECIL yang terus bersinar, Mari terangi Indonesia dengan jutaan sinar BINTANG KECIL!!

Go Care4Kids!! Go MUSOU!! Go Our Little Stars ^_^!!

Care4Kiids Indonesia aims at helping to build a brighter future for Indonesia that is strongly based on the pillars of education. To help provide every child in Indonesia entitlement to the basic right of education.


1. To help provide equal opportunities for kids to receive at least the compulsory 12 years education, one child at a time.
2. To allow children to pursue their interests and use their skills to reach their dreams and aspirations.
3. To improve the quality of education received by children in Indonesia
4. To unify and integrate communities to establish stronger knowledge based communities.


Care4Kids Indonesia is aimed at providing education for Indonesian kids in needs. Becoming a sponsor with Care4kids Indonesia give children the chance to grow up and to experience a better life and brighter future. For just over $1 a day, your donation can make big difference. Not only your donation will reduce illiteracy rate in Indonesia, but this is also one step further in achieving these chidren dreams.
When you sponsor a child, the funds are used to provide basic education as well as the improvement of education quality received these children. An ongoing training and development seminars for educators will be conducted and by increasing the availability and the standard of learning facilities.
Your sponsorship contributions are not given directly to a child instead combining donation funds means large scale projects can be undertaken by Care4Kids Indonesia.. We firmly believe that all children should be given the chance of proper education in every way possible and to pursue their dreams.

Care4kids Indonesia provides various options on how you can donate and do your bit. For further queries you may contact

info@care4kidsindonesia.com or alternatively you may contact our external relationship officer via email noi.hasibuan@care4kidsindonesia.com. Care4Kids Indonesia aims at providing education for Indonesian kids in need.

Becoming a sponsor with Care4Kids Indonesia gives children the chance to grow up and to experience a better life and brighter future.

For just over $1 a day, your donation can make a big difference.

We firmly believe that all children should be given the chance of proper education in every way possible and to pursue their dreams.

How Care4Kids Indonesia Began

Amidst a global financial crisis and a period of increasing economic hardships, early in 2009, a group of friends in Melbourne- Australia got together and discussed how they could best help conditions in Indonesia. The group saw that there is an increasing challenge faced by many children in Indonesia to complete their education. Realizing that there are still many more kids in need than opportunities available. Hence the decision was to focus primarily on helping kids receive a high school diploma.
Furthermore the group also saw that the quality of education and learning facilities in Indonesia are still very minimal. This is especially true to those that are located in the depths of Indonesia’s The population continuously to grow unfortunately standard of living for many remain the same.

What is Donation?

Care4Kids Indonesia is aimed at providing education for Indonesian kids in needs. Becoming a sponsor with Care4kids Indonesia give children the chance to grow up and to experience a better life and brighter future. For just over $1 a day, your donation can make big difference. Not only your donation will reduce illiteracy rate in Indonesia, but this is also one step further in achieving these chidren dreams.

How does donation work?

When you sponsor a child, the funds are used to provide basic education as well as the improvement of education quality received these children. An ongoing training and development seminars for educators will be conducted and by increasing the availability and the standard of learning facilities.

Sintia and Sahril are two of the first four kids who has received scholarship from Care4Kids Indonesia. Their aspiration to be a successful person as well as making their parents' proud is surely associated to their willingness to study and go to school.

Sintia dreams to become someone successful, she wants to work in a large company and eventually have her own business. Sintia, a high achieving student is also involved in the student union committee where she serves as the president. Additionaly when not in school Sintia helps her single mother take care her four brothers and sisters.
Sahril who is also often called iil by his friends, is originally from ternate. He moved to jakarta with his mother while he was in primary school and has ever since been living in Bekasi. When not in school Sahril helps out his mom watch a simple store (warung). He dreams to become someone that can have a significant impact or contribution to society.

Through your donations we can make sure these wonderful kids stay in school and ultimately achieve what it takes to become successful and be useful to the society.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Save The Earth Save The Children

Climate change is in the news. It seems like everyone's "going green." We're glad you want to take action, too. Luckily, many of the steps we can take to stop climate change can make our lives better. Our grandchildren-and their children-will thank us for living more sustainably. Let's start now with using recycle paperbag.

Tahukah Kamu?!

Mengapa matahari berwarna merah saat terbit dan terbenam?
Saat matahari terbit dan terbenam, sinar dari matahari melakukan perjalanan yang lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan diwaktu lain seperti siang karena jarak antara kita dan matahari di waktu terbit dan terbenam lebih jauh dibandingkan diwaktu siang. Warna sinar yang mampu ....

dikutip dari www.ceritakecil.com

“Brought happiness through apparel to children as many as possible”

Believe to those starts from a dream, made the creator of Musou keep dreaming and work hard to realized to become a reality which as beauty as a dream. We believe that only by a lovely dreams these world would fill by cheerful and happiness in the entire of the earth. None of the most suitable generations to start these dreams except the children, because of it we also believe that children are our future.
Adopted from Japanese which have few definition (depends on process of writing in Kanji), Musou means dream or vision. Any thing happened in this time is the result from our dream or vision in the past, and any thing happened in the future is the result of our courage to dream of and our willingness to bring it real. Star Logo used as a symbol which identically with dreams, wills, and hope.
Musou is children reality of dream in a form of clothing line which has creativity and quality. Apparel being a suitable media, because now day’s apparel is doesn’t just an fabric wrapping only, but has become a media to expression, self actualization and even communication between one to the others. Musou creators really want to create optimistic children about a better live.